I am not a therapist. I am not a life-coach. I am not a friend. I am not a licensed physician. I am not a certified herbalist. I am not a registered dietician. I am not a culinary expert. I am not a fertility expert. I am not trained in certain modalities. I am devoted apprentice with my life experience. You come to my page, read, contact and choose to engage in relationship with me by your own full autonomous choice, without any force or corrosion. If you are suicidal or in a space of self harm; please seek a professional in these services. I am not responsible for the decisions you make within our relationship space; I do not know the outcome nor do I control you, your life, any aspect of your life or the outcome of our relationship space. Your growth: whether you feel it is negative or positive is due to your own inner wisdom guiding you and your response to that channel of love in you. Nothing I share in relationship or on my page is advice, support or information of any kind; it is energy. If you feel what I offer in relationship or on this page is advice, support or information you act at your own risk and your own choice. Our entire relationship space, starting with my website is freely entered by your choice and interaction ended by any party who feels the relationship space is not for them any longer. I recognize you have full autonomy over your being: time, space and energy; I also have full autonomy over my being: time, space and energy. I will not, cannot restructure your life or show you a method, practice, code, teaching, action, behavior or belief to do so. All I share is consumed entirely by your choice. I do not make any claims about anything I share or create, other than it is my personal experience and any experience you have is personal to you, not controlled or manipulated by me. Any invitation into nature is accepted and acted upon by you, according to your free choice. I am not responsible for any interaction you have with nature. I am not responsible for any outcomes from any interactions you may have in nature whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual in this dimension or others.
I am not responsible for the experiences you have in the context of consuming any products I have created, infused, blended, released or you have purchased from my website directly or through a link found on my website or directly in person. This includes, but is not limited to: content I have created, images I have shared, sound bites I have recorded, herbal blends I have curated, granola I have mixed and infused, body care items I have curated, vaginal steam herbs I have blended, infusions I have created and released, creations of any and all sorts that I have brought into the world.
Interacting with my website, myself or any online profile or works I have impacted or created: is entirely up to you and your choice to do so.
You herefore agree to forever release, waive and discharge Sacred Nectar of Patria/Sacred Nourish Infusions/Sacred Nectar Podcast or any other entities owned and operated by myself, Patricia Carter, from any and all legal claims and liability, without limitation.
This includes, but is not limited to any and all types of growth, inner/emotional turmoil; distress; upset; misunderstandings; conclusions reached; irritations; physical reactions; impulses; assumptions; projections; injury; loss; damage; disruption; disadvantage; allergic reactions; physical cleansing; energetic imbalance; overwhelm or offense at any time, even if you communicate such an experience.
This also includes, but is not limited to, any and all cases of inaccuracy, error or omission occurring directly or indirectly in relation to your involvement with myself, Patricia Carter, or my online profiles.
Due to the nature of my service and offerings: I do not offer a refund for any purchases made on my website. Whether that be for 1:1 work or otherwise.
Last updated: January 6, 2025