We would love to know more about you....where are you joining this event from and what you would like to gain from participation!
Thank you for being here!
Welcome all!!! We begin in 2 days!! I am so excited to share with you!
Feel free to jump in and share your name and a little about your vision with jumping into this beautiful work! This is a safe place - all of you is WELCOME!! ~Patricia
Hey, I see I'm a day late, ha usually late on one level or another! Shelby is my name. I'm here bc I'm curious, I like your style, and I enjoy pleasure obviously, who couldn't use a little more?
Hi @Shelby! Welcome! I love this so truthful share!! YES! Here for more pleasure! You are among friends! Here to hold down the bliss and make the world that much more beautiful!
I'm Isabella and I'm looking to connect more with myself and open myself up to pleasure and working through the shame that comes along with it. Its a topic that is RARELY, if ever talked about and I'm so excited to work through this container ♡
Yay!!! Hi @Isabella! So lovely to have here with us exploring this sacred work we've all been looking for! Look forward to how you journey through the content!! Welcome! 🤗
I am Emily. I am here to learn how to hold more pleasure, connected with my sexuality and give myself permission to live a more pleasurable life!!
@Emily, EPIC!!! So happy to have you joining!! Thank you for sharing! Welcome!