Insights Gained
Share your heart!

What did you learn?

What resonated with you?

How does this enhance your life?
Feeling deeply nourished by this share! Thank you so much! Can't wait till tomorrow!!!
I really love this experience of both sharing and being in my body! It is so amazing to experience an open and alive pelvic bowl; a bowl singing with high vibrations of love, affection and deep nourishing care! I hope this was as beautiful and expansive for you in your body as it was for me in mine! 

Share below and let me know how it went for you! ​
I enjoyed watching the video and hearing you talk about these truths. I did feel connectedness.  Especially when you described finding ourselves being in a space where we try to open ourselves for pleasure the way the negative or distracting thoughts come in to play. Whether it be thinking of all the tasks you  feel you should be tending to when your trying to be in the moment or worried about satisfying your partner, or if you're doing something like getting a massage feeling guilty about spending money and being idle for an hour, I get that and it can be tough to break past and enjoy sometimes. To just turn that brain off. Sometimes I may even enjoy smoking a little marijuana  to just get in my body more to be open to recieve pleasure,but that can also backfire on me sometimes and get me more in my head that anything! Ha
I liked the exercise you asked us to do where we sit on our hand, idk if I did it exactly right bc I was sitting on both hands on the hard surface atop my deep freezer lol but I instantly was able to feel what you were getting at. I liked trying to make the letters and shapes and have the idea to maybe try and replicate some of these shapes during future play time with my partner. Even the thought of focusing on trying to move your pelvis in the shape of a letter or a star may be a good way to get outside of those negative distracting type thoughts? Definitely plan on testing thus hypothesis in the near future;) thanks so much for being here ! I truly had a good time 

Also just wanted to add I appreciate you putting this out here and talking so open, honest and bold, but in a soft, warm, and welcoming way about a topic that can be awkward or perhaps even uncomfortable to really get into for a lot of women. It inspires me to also share openly and feel good about doing it here :)
Love your share, @Shelby!
I am so glad you got into the experience and could feel the energy change! I love that it is resonating with you! Yes, you are so right that sometimes various tools backfire on us when we want them to show up! I so feel that! I love that you are showing up for yourself and expanding deeper into this work openly! So thankful you joined in this sacred work! (hug)