We are powerful drivers of the universe; all of us whether male or female. The female though, is my lane. A space I have embodied in this lifetime and with great joy. Though this was not always the story for me.
As a child I was considered a "tomboy"....whatever the fuck that is (Do we really need to name, with derogatory intended terms, an individuals unique spirit revealing itself to itself?). As a teenager I began to explore the energy of rejecting my femininity. I didn't like or know how to like my changing body. I didn't know what power it meant and brought to me. I didn't know what embodiment looked like. My mother had no tools to show me what this meant either. Then after becoming sexually active my body started to sort through so much trauma and energy processing through my reproductive organs. The portal of the womb was beginning my awakening journey to my whole vessel awareness. Childhood sexual trauma, PCOS diagnosis and a lot of other stuff was slowly sorted through.
Our disconnect from the sacred truth planted in our beings is real. For many the connection to this space in their being is riddled with pain and fear and scars. Your feelings are valid. My feelings around the processing is valid. These energies of fragment, reflection of our culture, are visible in our depths but does not have to be the story we continue. We are able to-gather, unite our energies and wholly align to our divine patria. United with the oracle of cervix, sacred energy of our womb, nectar of our vulva and yoni and wisdom carried in our pelvic bowl, where the mysteries of the galaxy are swirled within us to bear seeds of love and birth them into reality.
The truth of patria is you are connected, together and nourished. This is the space where you can reconnect with your natural habitat, the mother land, you! Temple exploration, awareness and awakening is our journey to the mother land, our true essence of love.
Sit deeply into your cervix, listen into your womb, perceive and feel the energies conceived and the yearning of the portal to expand. Awaiting and pregnant with the life pulse being released through you; the sweet nectar that births forth your divine gifts.
Your body, your patria bursts forth, vibrant, whole and dripping with nectar for all to savor; the pure bliss of you!
This is a possibility!
After becoming a mother, I began to lean in. Lean into this body of mine that I chose to in-habit during this lifetime. What magical power to grow life and birth forth not just a physical body but bring a soul into this realm from another dimension! Y'all! This could not be more beautiful! I don't know another way this could be more magical! It's bliss! to me! (The every day miracle is often missed or dismissed; but it's time to reawaken to the mystery all around us!)
And through this transition, I grew and found my power. My body is the key. In-bodiment. This is the place I start. In my most amazing star suit that I built, with the aid of my mother and hers etc, for this time and space navigation! This is POWER! We are POWER! Embrace this. Walk in it. Don't hide and run away from it. Let this beautiful mystery be woven around you like a blanket that includes you into it's beauty and enhances your beauty!
And that is why....The mother come FIRST! At least here...
She does!
You do, mama!
The season of preconception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum is sacred! Meaning a time to be relished and treasured. A time to slow down and listen. Listen to your body, your baby and the callings of the future. In this journey from maiden to mother we literally transmute our food, emotions, past/present experiences and energies into a living breathing human soul. That is terrifying and extremely honoring. A journey we need more support in, worldwide....and certainly here and now. This is a foundation for our New Earth; fully honoring life in every stage and embracing it. The season of mother, is HOLY.
I seek to support women in this journey. To empower them to know their bodies, release fears around birth and face motherhood with trust in their intuition. We are innately powerful, and this is our time to give that power to the future, our children. Let us rise together, mother! Set yourself first. Not out of a space of demand or ego, but out of humility to the service of your wellbeing. To the service of your souls path.
What does coming first look like? Empowering your heart, mind, body and soul for your everyday journey. Taking time to listen, with all your senses, to that which is calling you. To nourish your soul and being. In all this-you bless it forward and literally change your own and your child's future for good!
Motherhood is a sacred journey where we re-member who we are and grow up into our children's future. Every season of you is valued, recognized and treasured! The perfect space for the sacred nectar (connected love all around us) to be your nourishment. To find the balance of living heart forward.
I would love to join you and share ways to live in a delicious way for her, the mother!
For the female (since birth), living embodied, is where to start if you want to know your power! If this is the vessel description you made inside your mother and were born with this beautiful power to hold seed, carry it, and birth it forth; this energy signature of divine feminine; the brave and wild choice to in-body the womb, vulva and cervix; then know you are here for a most wonderful reason! Embrace this power you hold, dear female.
Come walk the wild side with the cosmos and submerge into your reality.
Embrace and embody the female energetic (if that was your chosen vessel at birth) and birth forth your new reality. The beautiful, unique, fabulous energetic of your divine patria.
The world awaits you, my lady!